So I nearly completed the Complete Beginner Pathway on TryHackMe, but as I was asking for help with a Metasploit task on the THM Discord server (I hadn’t set the LHOST correctly, and I needed to set it to listen to my OpenVPN IP), I came across a message from one of the Discord members (shadow_absorber) who informed the server that the Complete Beginner Path has been deprecated and was on the verge of being phased out.
This was a little disappointing to me as I’d completed nearly all of it and it was still listed on the site as an option to try. However, it did make a bit of sense as I’ve found the level of difficulty to be greatly increased as I went through the path. Almost to the point where I felt like I was starting to drown!
Looking at her post on Discord, she listed the order in which she recommended people move their way through the learning pathways. This was extremely helpful to me, and I have started to go through this order now, which is much more scaffolded to prevent those big jumps in difficulty, and it seems to be in a better order for how to approach problems.
So now I’ve started on the Junior Pentester Path and it’s all making much more sense now! Although my study so far hasn’t been in vain, as some of the stuff I have done (Gobuster etc) are popping up and I am understanding them a lot more.
I’m also starting to take notes in order to remember all of theses techniques as I’d like to start some easy CTFs at some point soon!